I’m Only an Email Away

Listen, I’m not going to lie, I got into this work to help women. It’s truly what drives me. I was so freakin’ lost once upon a time. Beat down with life, just trying to get through the day. No goals, no joy, no ownership of this precious gift of life that I had been given. I needed help, but my focus was just surviving the day. 

I want more for you than that. 

It took my mom dying for me to wake the heck up and start making changes. There’s nothing like a death to make you freak the heck out over your mortality. 

But, listen, no one has to die for you to wake up from the sleepwalk you’ve been doing for way too long. Life is out there for the taking, you vivacious vixen! If you have questions about Intentional Life School, the Upward Mastermind Membership, or my one-on-one Gold package coaching, drop me an email.

I created these programs to help reawaken you to the marvelous version of yourself that you were always destined to be. Let’s do this together. I got you, babe.